Acosta Sales & Marketing, a full-service sales and marketing agency in the consumer packaged goods (CPG) industry, has released its fall 2011 “The Why? Behind the Buy™” report with results from a nationwide survey that collects data on grocery shopper habits heading into the winter months.

Shopper trends in the current survey include:

  • Shoppers taking an extremely prepared and educated approach to the grocery trip, with 72 percent making a list for their routine shopping trip;
  • 54 percent buying more items on sale, and 33 percent going online or using apps to save money;
  • Traditional store circulars remain among the most popular promotional items for shoppers, with 85 percent reporting that store circulars influence them and nearly 50 percent saying they clip coupons from the circulars;
  • While traditional sales tactics continue to be more widely used than digital offerings at the grocery counter, digital is increasing in influence, with 33 percent of shoppers going online to save money via online coupons, retailer and brand websites and email subscriptions; and,
  • Increasing gas prices are having a dual effect by driving higher food costs and leaving consumers with less money to spend on groceries. As a direct consequence, shoppers are buying less expensive brands or less food overall.

Acosta conducts “The Why? Behind the Buy” survey two times per year. The respondents are more than 1,000 every day shoppers, randomly selected across all generational, economic and ethnic groups across the United States. The current survey was fielded in July 2011.

To access the full report, visit

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