Year-end rebate also a record, $151.6 million paid to members

Associated Wholesale Grocers Inc. (AWG) of Kansas City, Kan., achieved record sales of $7.25 billion in 2010, up $200 million from the prior year.

AWG’s most recent year-end rebate also was a record 2.64 percent, amounting to $151.6 million paid to its members.

In 2011, AWG’s private brands—Best Choice and Always Save—are enjoying their 10th consecutive year of record sales, the company said. The company has spent a record $63 million promoting these brands. AWG achieved sales in excess of $1.0 billion in 2010, and this year will set yet another sales record.

Regarding AWG Brands, another unique feature is a well-trained staff of sales representatives to assist its member retailers with store level activities designed to promote private brand sales.

AWG also develops in excess of 150 new Best Choice and Always Save SKUs per year. The company now offers more than 3,200 SKUs in its brands, making AWG among the nation’s leaders in breadth of products in its private brands. This is especially important for independent retailers, given the soft economy.

AWG also is on the leading edge of a “speed-to-shelf” initiative for its members. This program ensures that its member stores have the latest products demanded by consumers at the same time, if not sooner, than national supermarket chains.

A key development in 2011 included the groundbreaking of AWG’s seventh full-line grocery distribution center in Pearl River, La., on June 29. The new facility will serve new and existing AWG members along the Gulf Coast, including portions of the state of Texas.

Established in 1926, AWG is an 85-year-old retailer-owned grocery cooperative. Its existing full-line distribution centers are located in Kansas City, Kan.; Springfield, Mo.; Oklahoma City, Okla.; Memphis and Nashville, Tenn.; and Fort Worth; Texas. AWG currently has more than 600 member-owners and services over 2,400 retail outlets in 22 states.

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