Maximizing time has quickly become a top priority for consumers. Grocers and restaurants, also known as “grocerants,” are in a unique position as they make up a large percentage of the household food spend, according to Jeremy Julian...
At the start of a new year, many people set goals and create resolutions. But how often do they actually stick to and reach them? In this webinar presented by AppCard...
Shopper loyalty in inflationary times was the topic of The Shelby Report’s recent webinar held with New York-based AppCard and featuring members of Metcalfe’s...
Vericast recently hosted its newest webinar, “What Grocery Shoppers Really Want.” The presentation was moderated by The Shelby Report’s Web Editor Sommer Stockton and...
What do shoppers want from grocery stores right now? Matthew Tilley, executive director of marketing for Vericast will lead a conversation with consumer insight expert...
RCS Secure and DUMAC recently held a webinar with The Shelby Report to help educate retailers on the importance of cybersecurity. Members of the organizations presented...
After the past two years of uncertainty and changed plans due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we all hoped that 2022 might bring back a sense of normalcy. However, with...
Significant ransomware, data breaches and continued cybersecurity stories are prevalent across all media in the last several years – and are scary for retailers and...