Grand Rapids, Michigan-based Meijer has named the recipients of its 2022 Legacy Awards, recognizing seven people across the company for their impact on their teams...
Meijer, a renowned supercenter chain, was established in 1934 by Hendrik Meijer in Greenville, Michigan. The company stands as a pioneer in the supercenter concept, integrating grocery and general merchandise under one roof.
With a commitment to offering a wide range of products, the company operates multiple locations across the Midwest, serving customers in Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky, and Wisconsin. As of 2023, the chain continues to expand its footprint, providing a convenient shopping experience for customers looking for groceries, household essentials, electronics, apparel, and more.
Meijer distinguishes itself by focusing on customer satisfaction, offering quality products at competitive prices, and implementing innovations in retail, such as pioneering the “one-stop shopping” concept. The chain’s dedication to community engagement, including philanthropy and local initiatives, has made Meijer a beloved destination for customers seeking variety, convenience, and affordability in their shopping experience.
In an effort to make fresh food more accessible, Grand Rapids, Michigan-based Meijer has expanded the Flashfood program, making it the first retailer nationwide to...
In celebration of Women’s History Month, Grand Rapids, Michigan-based Meijer has introduced a special collection of products featuring the art of three Midwestern...
In celebration of Black History Month, Meijer has launched a collection of products featuring the art of three Black Midwestern artists – Dana Powell-Smith, Melina...
Grand Rapids, Michigan-based Meijer opened its first two Meijer Grocery stores Jan. 26 in Lake Orion and Macomb Townships. “As a company, we’ve opened more...
Grand Rapids, Michigan-based Meijer is revamping mPerks to allow for increased personalized rewards and savings. Customers earn points for every dollar spent and every...
Uber Technologies has announced a new partnership with Meijer to offer on-demand and scheduled grocery delivery for consumers...
Grand Rapids, Michigan-based Meijer is deploying two of the first all-electric semitrucks outside of California. The retailer operates one of the largest fleets...