Despite a challenging year marked by a persisting pandemic, historic inflation, supply chain bottlenecks and labor shortages, the food industry is making significant...
Nearly half of Americans say they are driving less than they did before the pandemic hit in early 2020, and they cite gas prices as the main reason why, according to a...
I hear it all the time, “Eventually people have to come back to work, right?” Everywhere I go in the U.S. and other countries – as I talk to retailers, manufacturers...
FMI – The Food Industry Association has released its second installment of “2022 Power of Private Brands,” which surveys food retailers and manufacturers...
By Michael Uetz, managing principal, Midan Marketing, strategic meat marketing, research and creative communications agency Consumers today are incredibly aware of and...
Ahold Delhaize has announced that its supervisory board intends to propose the reappointment of Frans Muller as president and CEO and member of the management board at...
The National Grocers Association has released new industry commitments it has made in connection with the White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition and Heath to...
As NGA’s president and CEO, I’ve had the opportunity to travel the country to visit our members, tour their stores and learn firsthand about the challenges the grocers...