California Almonds has teamed up with Marvel Studios’ “Thor: Love and Thunder,” which premiered in theaters July 8, to celebrate the release of the...
Produce News
Orlando, Florida-based Fresh Express has unveiled an inside look at advancements in its food safety and quality program through a video series that covers supply chain...
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania-based Giant Eagle has expanded its partnership with Flashfood to all 173 Giant Eagle and Giant Eagle Market District stores. Starting in...
Joolies, Los Angeles-based grower of organic medjool dates, has introduced new product line of diced organic medjool dates: Dark Chocolate Date Nibbles. The dates come...
Los Alamitos, California-based Frieda’s Branded Produce is celebrating passion fruit this summer, which was recently named “Flavor of the Year” for 2022 by...
Newport Beach, California-based Fresh Solutions Network has released a new report, Potato Market – Growth, Trends, COVID-19 Impact, and Forecasts (2022-2027)...
Revol Greens is preparing to open a new lettuce facility in Temple, Texas. This facility, the largest to date, will work in tandem with the company’s growth plans...
GrubMarket has completed the acquisition of Albuquerque, New Mexico, and El Paso, Texas-based Quality Fruit & Vegetable Co., a fresh produce company that provides...