Dr Pepper Snapple Group and the McCombs School of Business at The University of Texas at Austin have embarked on a novel program to grow one of the company’s iconic...
Benelact Dairy is introducing the world’s first all-natural, reduced cholesterol dairy foods. At the FMI 2012 show in Dallas, Texas, April 30-May 3, the company will...
Pat Callaghan, 61, plans to step down as president of Pepperidge Farm at the end of the Campbell Soup Co.’s fiscal year on July 31, after more than 30 years of service...
In the most recent research conducted by Perception Research Services, shoppers demonstrate that they are interested in choosing environmentally friendly packaging...
Sara Lee Corp. has appointed Luc Volatier as SVP of supply chain and operations of its International Coffee and Tea business—effective April 1, 2012. Volatier, 44, will...
Newton, Ga., may seem out of the way to many, but local farmer Cornelius Key and other members of the burgeoning Flint River Cooperative are helping plant it on the map...
St. Louis, Mo.-based Anheuser-Busch plans increase production capacity at its Metal Container Corporation (MCC) facility in Arnold, an investment estimated between $70...
Broulim’s Fresh Foods, Haggen Food & Pharmacy/TOP Foods, Harris Teeter Inc., and Safeway were given the National Retail Beef Backer awards during the 2012 Cattle...