Meet the team that keeps the retail food industry up to date on the latest regional and national supermarket and grocery news.


Dathan MitchellChairman & CEO
Dathan L. Mitchell



Athaleen MitchellCo-Chairman
Athaleen Mitchell



Stephanie ReidPresident, Chief Operating Officer, Southeast and Midwest Regional Director
Stephanie Reid

Contact Stephanie for advertising sales in AL, GA, IA, IL, IN, KY, LA, MI, MN, MS, OH, TN, WI, WV



Executive Vice President, Associate PublisherWest Regional Director
Bob Reeves

Contact Bob for advertising sales in AZ, CA, ID, MT, NV, OR, UT, WA, WY, Alberta & British Columbia, Canada


Elizabeth CherrySenior Vice President, Southwest Regional Director
Elizabeth Cherry

Contact Elizabeth for advertising sales in AR, CO, FL, KS, ND, NE, NM, MO, OK, SD, TX, Manitoba & Saskatchewan, Canada


Maggie KaeppelVice President Publisher, North & Mid Atlantic Regional Director
Maggie Kaeppel

Contact Maggie for advertising sales in CT, DE, MA, MD, ME, NC, NH, NJ, NY, PA, RI, SC, VA, VT, Washington DC, Quebec & Ontario, Canada



Genie MonaghanCirculation Manager
Genie Monaghan




Kevin AtwillEditor-In-Chief
Kevin Atwill



Treva BennettSenior Content Creator
Treva Bennett



Carol Radice head shotSenior Content Creator
Carol Radice



Sommer StocktonWeb Editor
Sommer Stockton



Print Production

Production Manager
Elaine Brady