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The leaders of Retailer Owned Food Distributors and Associates (ROFDA) recognize the power of having access to educational resources and have turned the act of sharing information into an art form.

headshot of Ray Sprinkle
Ray Sprinkle

“My peer group is fantastic, and they are readily available to me if I’ve got a situation that I have questions about” said Ray Sprinkle, president and CEO of URM Stores Inc. and a member of ROFDA’s board of directors.

“It could be something as simple as a question about a particular software operating system initiative that my company is considering. Hearing someone else’s user experience with that software is invaluable information.”

Sprinkle’s company recently toured a ROFDA member’s warehouse to see its software in action. Afterward, URM hosted a backhaul conference.

“We have had an initiative for the last three years to expand our backhaul,” he said. “We’ve gathered a lot of information during this time on how it’s impacted our operations – from improving our service levels, keeping our trucks loaded both ways, serving as a source of income or improving our ability to lower cost of goods by putting more product on our trucks.”

Citing upcoming industry-wide challenges such as the Food Safety Modernization Act, known as FSMA 204, Sprinkle said the ability to share experiences with his peers is indispensable.

“With the Food Safety Modernization Act about a year or so away from being implemented, we’re all collaborating on best practices and what we are doing to be compliant in January of 2026 so that we can ensure the safety of all products that we ship to the independents.”

Dan Funk, president and CEO of Associated Wholesale Grocers and a fellow ROFDA board member, said his company’s participation in the organization has been beneficial in many ways.

headshot of Dan Funk
Dan Funk

“It provides a group of peer companies for networking and relationship building, while still being able to compete,” he said. “AWG and I personally have enjoyed many of the groups our teams have participated in to learn and share, both ups and downs, which helps each of us.

“Our hope is that we can continue to provide as much value to the membership as we can bring back to our business from our fellow ROFDA members.”

Funk also has witnessed many vendor partners grow their business through ROFDA participation.

“We have made multiple vendor partner decisions based on the meetings, discussions and presentations through ROFDA,” he said. “I have also really enjoyed seeing the ROFDA retailer share group continue to grow ideas and solutions from our retail members who participate and what they have been able to gain by participating with their peers.

“While we are competitors, our involvement in ROFDA allows us to collaborate strategically, all with the shared goal of supporting independent grocers.”

[RELATED: Collaboration Has Been ‘Cornerstone Of ROFDA’s Success’ From Start]


Michael Violette, president and CEO of Associated Grocers of New England, recalled when he took on his current role in 2016 that one of the most valuable resources he had access to was the network of ROFDA CEOs and senior management.

headshot of Michael Violette
Michael Violette

“As a new CEO, it can sometimes feel uncomfortable or impractical to seek advice from those within your own organization,” he said. “But through ROFDA, I had the ability to reach out to seasoned CEOs in the grocery industry. The wisdom and guidance I received from them was invaluable in helping me navigate the complexities of leading a company – a resource I continue to rely on and learn from to this day.”

Violette, who also is ROFDA board chair, said one of the most meaningful aspects of ROFDA is the relationships that are formed.

“Whether it’s at our conferences or through regular interactions with one another – wholesalers, retailers, vendors and industry partners alike – the relationships built within ROFDA are truly special,” he said. “There’s a genuine interest in helping one another succeed, and these connections are often more personal and heartfelt than in any other organization I’ve been part of. It’s not just about business – it’s about creating a community that thrives on mutual success.”

A standout example of this, he added, is the development of AGNE’s Shelf Management Services (SMS) department. Violette said the initiative was inspired by a fellow ROFDA member’s success story developing a similar program.

“Seeing the value of their experience, we at AGNE adopted and adapted the SMS program for our retailers, which has proven to be mutually beneficial to all involved,” he said. “What’s more, two other ROFDA wholesalers have successfully implemented their own SMS program variations after hearing about our experience.

“This kind of transparency and idea-sharing is what sets ROFDA apart, as well as what leaves that lasting impression on so many.”

Senior Content Creator Carol joins The Shelby Report with more than 25 years writing for B2B magazines that cover the drugstore and supermarket industries. A Rutgers graduate, she earned her B.A. degree...