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BJ’s Wholesale Club has promoted Scott Schmadeke to EVP and COO, effective immediately, and named Krystyna Kostka chief supply chain officer. They will fill the roles previously held by Jeff Desroches, BJ’s EVP and COO, who has resigned.

Scott Schmadeke
Scott Schmadeke

Schmadeke, former SVP of field and fresh operations, will have responsibility for all BJ’s clubs, distribution centers, logistics and asset protection and safety. He will report to Bob Eddy, chairman and CEO, and serve on the company’s executive leadership team.

Kostka, previously SVP of operations, will lead the company’s distribution and logistics networks, planning and allocation and robotics and automation, and will report to Schmadeke.

“Scott and Krystyna are dynamic leaders with deep knowledge of our company and impressive records at BJ’s,” Eddy said.

“These changes will ensure that we continue to offer world-class service to our members and drive efficiency across our network as we deliver unbeatable value and profitable growth.”

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Krystyna Kostka
Krystyna Kostka

Schmadeke joined BJ’s in 2018 and has helped elevate club performance with a focus on employee development, member service and profitable growth. He led the transformation of BJ’s perishable distribution centers and most recently helped lead the roll out of BJ’s enhanced fresh offerings. Schmadeke also has been instrumental in the success of the company’s new club openings.

Kostka joined BJ’s in 2014, leading fuel operations. She has played a key role in the growth of BJ’s Gas. Kostka also is responsible for club and distribution center operations infrastructure. Most recently, she has been leading the company’s deployment of robotics, automation and emerging technologies in BJ’s stores and distribution centers.

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