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by Max Wengroff / NGA Coordinator, Government Relations and Membership

This has been a busy year for the National Grocers Association (NGA’s) Government Relations team in Washington. We faced a torrent of new regulations from the Biden administration and, despite Congressional chaos, we managed to put some points on the board.

We have faced both success and headwinds on multiple legislative and regulatory fronts. Let’s start with the numbers.

Over the course of this year, NGA’s GR team completed the following:

  • 138 meetings with House of Representatives offices
  • 82 meetings with federal agencies
  • 70 meetings with Senate offices
  • 18 NGA letters to Capitol Hill
  • Six sets of comments to federal agencies

However, none of this work could have been done without the grassroots support of our members. NGA members were busy:

  • Sending 2,119 emails and phone calls to Congress from 19 action alerts
  • Participating in 216 meetings with lawmakers or their staff
  • Hosting 23 store tours with lawmakers and federal agency officials

NGA continues to push the envelope in many policy areas, including work in the following areas:

Antitrust Reform

  • Revitalized federal enforcement of the Robinson-Patman Act (RPA) for the first time in a generation.
  • Garnered bipartisan congressional pressure on FTC to finish the 6(b) study and enforce RPA.
  • Secured a bipartisan letter authored by U.S. Reps. Thomas Tiffany (R-WI) and Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) supporting RPA enforcement funding.
  • Advanced the NGA-drafted and backed Main Street Competes Act through the Small Business Committee by a unanimous vote of 22-0, giving the Small Business Administration power to address anticompetitive conduct.
  • Increased public awareness of the antitrust issue through major news stories like this Time Magazine feature.
  • Built support among state attorneys general.


  • The Credit Card Competition bill was reintroduced in both the House and Senate this summer and NGA, along with our coalition partners, have been leading the charge against the disinformation about the bill spread by the banks, credit card companies and their allies. Twice this year, the bill has been close to coming up for a vote and NGA mobilized our members, who sent more than 730 messages to Congress. We’re expecting the bill to come up for a vote early next year.
  • For the first time since the passage of the Durbin Amendment in 2010, the Federal Reserve is planning to lower the debit swipe fee cap by 36 percent, following NGA’s urging.

Food and Health

  • Secured an extension of the prohibition on EBT processing fees in the Farm Bill extension that will last until Sept. 30, 2024.
  • Convened a Healthy Benefits Card stakeholders meeting, created a Healthy Benefits Card toolkit and wrote an open letter to stakeholders.
  • Stopped the inclusion of an amendment to the debt limit package that would have introduced restrictions on SNAP purchases.
  • Sent letters to Congress detailing NGA’s Farm Bill priorities, calling for DIR fee reform and asking that Congress require the FDA to engage in additional rulemaking before implementing their Food Traceability Rule.
  • Issued comments to the USDA on WIC Food Package and Online WIC along with comments to the FDA on online nutrition labeling and traceability.
  • Worked with coalition members to craft new DIR Fee legislation introduced in the Senate.

Labor and Employment

  • In conjunction with our coalition partners, we opposed the confirmation of the controversial Julie Su as Secretary of Labor.
  • To limit the impacts of the OSHA walkaround ruleNLRB Cemex decision​, overtime rule changes, a return to the “ambush” election rule and the NLRB Joint-Employer Standard​, NGA filed comments with the relevant agencies and participated in public hearings​, lobbied Congress to roll back potentially onerous rules and joined alliances with other organizations such as the Coalition for a Democratic Workplace​ and the Partnership to Protect Workplace Opportunity.


  • In conjunction with our coalition partners, NGA issued comments urging delay on the EPA’s hydrofluorocarbon phasedown and leak detection rules.

For more association news, read The Shelby Report.

Senior Content Creator After 32 years in the newspaper industry, she is enjoying her new career exploring the world of groceries at The Shelby Report.