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NGA Partners With IACC To Help Independent Grocers

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The National Grocers Association (NGA) has partnered with the Italy America Chamber of Commerce (IACC) to access new products and resources to benefit independent grocers across the U.S.

The IACC is a private, not-for-profit membership organization that brings together businesses and advances the interests of its members through contacts and interaction with Italian government agencies, trade associations and leading international organizations. The IACC partners with its member companies to help grow their businesses and build their brands, leveraging its vast global network to gain valuable, targeted exposure for members’ products and services.

“Independent supermarkets are continually looking for innovative products and resources to differentiate themselves in the marketplace and better connect with their consumers,” said Greg Ferrara,  president and CEO.

“NGA and the Italy America Chamber have worked collaboratively to connect leading Italian brands to America’s top independent supermarkets and share best practices. This partnership will support even more opportunities to delve into education, insights and resources and make connections. We were thrilled to have several Italian brands exhibit at the 2023 NGA Show and are excited to bring even more leading Italian companies to the 2024 NGA Show, March 10-12 in Las Vegas.”

The partnership between NGA and IACC will include participation in conferences, professional development opportunities and sharing of knowledge and expertise in the fields of specialty food/beverage and grocery retail.

“The IACC’s partnership with NGA opens exciting new avenues, not only for our two associations, but for the members, grocers and local producers we represent,” said Federico Tozzi, executive director of the Italy-America Chamber of Commerce.

“With this strategic alliance, we are essentially creating a direct line of contact between the leading U.S. independent grocery retailers and local Italian suppliers, providing retailers and producers alike with the opportunity to make inroads into previously unexplored and untapped markets.

“We are looking forward to welcoming a delegation from NGA at the second edition of America Buys Italian in Brescia, from Oct. 2-5, where executives, category buyers and purchasing directors have the opportunity to meet one on one with local companies, discover and source products, and make new and profitable connections with Italian specialty food producers.”

Read more association news from The Shelby Report.

About the author


Sommer Stockton

Web Editor

Sommer joined The Shelby Report in January 2022 after graduating from Brenau University in Gainesville, GA with a B.A. and M.A. in Communications and Media Studies. Sommer is excited to learn about the grocery industry and share her findings with The Shelby Report's readers!