
The Alabama Grocers Education Foundation held its Annual Fall Clay Shoot on Oct. 13 at Selwood Farms in Alpine, Alabama.

The event raised more than $28,000 for the Alabama Grocers Education Foundation to provide scholarships to employees and children of employees of Alabama Grocers Association member companies. To date, AGEF has awarded more than $1.4 million dollars because of the support of members at its events.

The winners of the Clay Shoot were:

  • First place: EDLINCO Team.
  • Second place: Buffalo Rock – Pepsi Team.
  • Third place: A&R Supermarkets Team.

The association is appreciative of the companies that sponsored the event and contributed products. The presenting sponsor for the event was Coca-Cola Bottling Company United.

Additional sponsors included A&R Supermarkets; AGA Health Trust; Alabama Power Company; Associated Grocers of the South; Associated Wholesale Grocers; Autry Greer & Son’s; Buffalo Rock – Pepsi; Bunzl Distribution; Byars | Wright Insurance; Don Francisco’s Coffee; EDLINCO; Federated Insurance; Ferrara; Keurig Dr Pepper; Merrill Lynch; Mitchell Grocery Corporation; Piggly Wiggly Alabama Distributing Company; Publix Super Markets; Red Diamond Coffee & Tea; Retail Data Solutions Mid-South; Sell Ethics; Sunset Farm Foods; UNFI and United-Johnson Brothers.

The company continued, stating, “A special thanks to AGA Vice Chairman Bob Crawford of United-Johnson Brothers and his team for cooking lunch, Mike Hanson of Milo’s Tea for helping with the beverages and running the beverage cart and Jim Cetrulo of Don Francisco’s Coffee for providing our breakfast.”

The next Clay Shoot will take place Oct. 12 at Selwood Farms in Alpine, Alabama.

The Alabama Grocers Association is a state trade association representing the grocery retail industry since 1990. With more than 135 retail members operating more than 850 stores statewide, as well as 225 manufacturers, brokers, wholesalers and other members, the AGA is the voice of the industry in the state of Alabama.

The food retail industry in Alabama provides more than half a million jobs with $2.5 billion in annual wages paid. Grocers pay more than $1.18 billion in state taxes and have a total economic impact on the state’s economy of $12.1 billion.

Web Editor Sommer joined The Shelby Report in January 2022 after graduating from Brenau University in Gainesville, GA with a B.A. and M.A. in Communications and Media Studies. Sommer is excited to learn...