Ithaca, New York-based Rosie, an e-commerce solution for independent retailers and wholesalers, has launched its Online SNAP Program to help local grocers offer online shopping to customers who wish to use SNAP/EBT.

“Accepting SNAP payments online is going to make a world of difference,” said Jodi Drake, e-commerce lead at Davis Food and Drug in Utah. “Serving our community is what we do best, and we’re now able to fulfill a need our customers have, thanks to Rosie.”

Rosie enables the store to accept SNAP online payments from the one in nine Americans that rely on EBT benefits, as estimated by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. With the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food and Nutrition Services’ most recent expansion of the SNAP program to an online platforms, this feature will allow recipients to take greater advantage of SNAP/EBT payments at their local grocery stores. 

“With grocery e-commerce a part of our everyday lives, it’s essential that independent grocers have the tools they need to provide solutions to the underserved in their community, and compete and win against national chains,” said Jon Mareane, Rosie’s software rollouts lead. “Technology continues to advance, and we’re proud to be part of a program that is impacting hundreds of thousands of SNAP recipients nationwide.”

Rosie’s technology and development teams have prioritized SNAP online with the help of Rosie’s retailers, FNS and Fiserv since Rosie’s partner, Dash’s Market, was selected by the USDA in January 2017 to participate in the SNAP Online Purchasing Pilot. 

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program provides food-purchasing assistance for families living in the U.S. SNAP is a federal program, administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, under the Food and Nutrition Service, though benefits are distributed at the state level. SNAP is the largest nutrition assistance program, with more than 40 million Americans estimated to have participated annually in the 21st century.

More than two-thirds of SNAP participants are families with children, while a third are households with senior citizens or people with disabilities. 

Rosie partners with independent grocers and their wholesalers to provide a fully-customizable, branded e-commerce presence, delivery opportunities, omnichannel marketing and deep data services. Rosie serves as the preferred e-commerce partner to wholesalers including Associated Food Stores, Associated Grocers Inc., Associated Wholesale Grocers, Bozzuto’s, C&S Wholesale Grocers, Piggly Wiggly Alabama Distributing Company and URM Stores. 

For information about the company, visit

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