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Co-CEOs Introduce International Fresh Produce Association Operations


by Eric Pereira / content creator

The International Fresh Produce Association began operations on Jan. 1 with Co-CEOs Cathy Burns and Tom Stenzel welcoming members in a video. IFPA is a result of the merger of the Produce Marketing Association and the United Fresh Produce Association, announced in 2021.

The association serves on the principles of advocating for and connecting members as well as guiding the industry.

“Our industry exists to provide the world with the freshest, most nutritious and safest products. It’s critical to the health of the world. And it’s critical to our vision at the International Fresh Produce Association,” Burns said.

“The International Fresh Produce Association will be the engine that helps drive our industry forward, but the fuel for that engine is all of you, our members, our stakeholders, our friends, our colleagues. You will help us drive this mission forward…,” Stenzel said.

He mentioned that more than 1,000 individuals volunteered to serve in different leadership capacities for IFPA.

“(IFPA) will be your advocate. We’ll advocate for your business but also for our industry on a global basis, where our voice needs to be heard. We will connect you. We will connect you across the supply chain, buyers and sellers together. But we’ll also connect our industry more globally where we need to make a difference,” Stenzel said.

“We invite you whether you’re a member already, or a future member, whether you’re new to our industry or you’ve been with us as an established partner for years and years,” Burns said.

For more information, visit: freshproduce.com.