Home » Fresh Del Monte’s Sustainability Programs Deliver ‘Strong’ Close To Year

Fresh Del Monte’s Sustainability Programs Deliver ‘Strong’ Close To Year

Fresh Del Monte Produce fresh-cut environmental stewardship

Miami, Florida-based Fresh Del Monte Produce Inc., a vertically integrated producer, distributor and marketer of fresh and fresh-cut fruits and vegetables, announced a “strong” close to the year for its sustainability programs.

The company scored an A- in the water security category and B in the climate change and forest categories for its sustainability initiatives by the CDP, an international nonprofit organization that helps companies and cities report their environmental impact. The company has also won in the Environmental Initiatives category in the 2021 SEAL (Sustainability, Environmental Achievement & Leadership) Business Sustainability Awards for its approach to farming while conserving biodiversity.

SEAL is an environmental advocacy organization that honors leadership, transparency and commitment to sustainable business practices.

“We’re proud to be closing out 2021 on a strong note, receiving recognition for our environmental stewardship on multiple levels,” said Hans Sauter, chief sustainability officer and SVP of research and development at Fresh Del Monte. “We remain dedicated to showcasing our progress transparently, and although we know there is still more to be done, we look forward to an even better year ahead as we improve our sustainability efforts alongside other companies that are leading the movement to achieve a more resilient and sustainable agricultural industry.”

Recently, Fresh Del Monte was also selected as a finalist for Rabobank’s 2021 Leadership in Sustainability award, an award that recognizes a high-impact organization that has achieved unique steps toward business, environmental, social and governance sustainability.

Rabobank’s annual Leadership Awards recognize trailblazing companies across food and agriculture in North America that have demonstrated remarkable strides across innovation, sustainability and leadership.

On the farm, Fresh Del Monte works to conserve and restore forests and wild areas to protect biodiversity while involving and uplifting its communities to enhance biodiversity across entire watersheds. Increasing habit connectivity and protecting wildlife in its operations is also a priority.

By 2025, the company’s goal is to plant and donate 2.5 million trees and have 100 percent of its protected areas globally monitored on an annual basis through species inventories.

Progress on CDP rankings, the SEAL Business Sustainability Award and selection as a finalist for Rabobank’s 2021 Leadership in Sustainability award are among the latest achievements Fresh Del Monte has accomplished to help protect the planet and its natural resources.

After being the first global marketer of fruits and vegetables to commit to the Science Based Target initiative in 2020, the company recently announced its emissions reduction targets were approved by the initiative as consistent with the levels required to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement. Fresh Del Monte’s 27.5 percent reduction target covers greenhouse gas emissions from the company’s operations for scopes 1 and 2 and 12.3 percent reduction target for emissions from its value chain (scope 3) including emissions from purchased goods and services, upstream transportation and distribution, waste generated in operations and employee commuting.

You can learn more about Fresh Del Monte’s sustainability efforts at freshdelmonte.com/sustainability.