Wright family of
Sean Wright

Wright to succeed Schmidt as its CEO

Lubbock, Texas-based GVH Family of Companies has announced that Joe Schmidt will be transitioning from CEO to executive chairman of the independent distributor, effective in September, and Sean Wright will be the new president and CEO.

Wright has served as president of GVH for the last four years. In a statement, the company said it has full confidence in him as the next CEO. GVH’s senior leadership team, including Wright, has a “great vision for the future of GVH and knows they will continue to flourish, just like they have, for the next 26 years.”

Wright has spent his entire professional career with GVH. After graduating from Texas Tech University in 1994, he accepted a sales position with Gage Van Horn & Associates Inc. as Schmidt’s first hire.

He progressed to general manager in Amarillo, Texas, then to SVP, then to president. Wright lives in Amarillo, where he and his wife of 25 years, Kristy, have two children, Kylee and Caden.

In the executive chairman role, Schmidt intends to focus his energies and attention on special projects, new initiatives and overseeing the financial well-being of the company by working closely with Clay Robinett, GVH’s CFO.

Since the beginning in 1949, GVH’s goal has been to grow the family business and provide opportunities to its valued team members as they grow. According to the company, its future is “incredibly bright” as it finds “new ways to bring value added initiatives to customer partners.”

GVH’s companies include: Colima Tropical Produce, Miller Paper & Packaging, Blaine Industrial Supply, Corley Oaks Distribution and Gage Van Horn.

Senior Content Creator After 32 years in the newspaper industry, she is enjoying her new career exploring the world of groceries at The Shelby Report.