Associated Food Stores logo Microsoft team

Working from home came with a unique set of challenges – one of which was the challenge of collaboration between coworkers. Salt Lake City, Utah-based Associated Food Stores took advantage of Microsoft Teams, a communications tool that helped the company maintain a strong and efficient working environment. 

“Our team thrives on collaboration,” said Bob Obray, CEO of Associated Food Stores. “With social distancing and working from home, the pandemic made collaboration difficult. But with amazing team members and the fantastic abilities of Microsoft Teams, not only did we continue to collaborate, but we did so in an effective way that strengthened our team.”

In honor of amazing teams – AFS’s and Microsoft’s – AFS created and celebrated “Teams Week” that ran from May 24-28. The celebration included daily emails that included Microsoft Teams tips from members of AFS’ Executive team. All AFS corporate team members received a Microsoft Teams swag item, access to training videos and virtual backgrounds to be used on video calls. They also had the option to submit their favorite Microsoft Teams tip to be entered to win more Microsoft swag. 

Associated Food Stores was established in 1940 when 34 independent retailers joined together to battle high supplier costs and competition from large chain stores. With a focus on independent retailers, AFS has changed the way these retailers operate and allowed them to prosper. AFS currently serves more than 400 retailers across the Intermountain West. Fresh Market is owned and operated by AFS. For more information about Associated Food Stores, visit

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