Newport Avenue Market

Demand for food has continued to rise during the pandemic, and local organizations are relying on donations now more than ever. Three Central Oregon organizations that provide meals and food boxes received a boost recently thanks to the generosity of Newport Avenue Market and Oliver Lemon’s customers and colleagues.

Each December, Newport Avenue Market and Oliver Lemon’s shoppers donate money to the Food for February fundraiser, and the 100 percent employee-owned markets match the funds. This year the combined effort raised $75,015. The funds raised will be used to purchase groceries at cost for Family Kitchen of Bend, Sisters Kiwanis Foodbank and Meals on Wheels of Central Oregon.Oliver Lemon's Newport Avenue

Newport Avenue Market and Oliver Lemon’s teams work closely with their wholesalers to purchase thousands of pounds of food, including fresh produce and meat, from the shopping lists of Family Kitchen of Bend, Sisters Kiwanis Foodbank and Meals on Wheels of Central Oregon.

“The pandemic has made hunger more widespread, and it’s more important than ever that our neighbors have nutritious meals,” said Lauren G.R. Johnson, CEO of Rudy’s Markets Inc., parent company of Newport Avenue Market and Oliver Lemon’s. “We are humbled by the generosity of our customers.”

It is not commonly known that February is one of the hardest-hitting months for hungry families in Central Oregon. Money is tight after the holidays, donations dwindle and food pantries are depleted. Since 2011, Food for February has raised more than $345,000 for hungry families in Central Oregon, including $159,000 in matching funds from Newport Avenue Market and Oliver Lemon’s.

“We are proud to have Oliver Lemon’s of Terrebonne as a community partner,” said Brice Mercer, operations manager for Redmond Senior Center. “The Food for February fundraiser will help hundreds of our senior neighbors receive fresh and nutritious meals. We want to thank everyone over at Oliver Lemon’s for being a friend to older adults in the Redmond area.”

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