
Raley’s Food For Families Annual Holiday Drive raised more than $3 million throughout the 2020 holiday season, the largest amount ever donated in the organization’s 35 years of hosting the event. The donations, which came from customers in-store and online between Nov. 2 and Dec. 31, will provide more than three million meals for those suffering from food insecurity in northern California and Nevada. 

“The generosity we have seen this past year within the communities we serve is incredible,” said Becca Whitman, executive director of Raley’s Food For Families. “It is no secret that 2020 was an especially difficult year, so we cannot thank our customers enough for their outpouring of support to help their neighbors in need during even the toughest of times. They are the ones who truly deserve the recognition.” 

Raley’s Food For Families works every day to alleviate hunger locally by partnering with 12 regional food banks across the company’s footprint in northern California and Nevada. This year’s Annual Holiday Drive was especially important because these partners, which typically serve 1.4 million food insecure individuals each month, saw an increase of an average of 95 percent in those using their services in 2020.

Although this year’s Annual Holiday Drive has ended, Raley’s accepts donations year-round at check stand pin pads at all store locations and online to support Food For Families. Donations stay local to aid the communities in which they were made, and Raley’s covers all administrative costs for Food For Families, ensuring 100 percent of donations benefit food bank partners and those in need.

To learn more about Raley’s Food For Families or to donate, visit raleys.com/foodforfamilies

West Sacramento, California-based Raley’s Food For Families began as a holiday food drive in 1986 and was founded by Co-Chairman and Owner Joyce Raley Teel and CEO Emeritus Charles Collings.


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Senior Content Creator After 32 years in the newspaper industry, she is enjoying her new career exploring the world of groceries at The Shelby Report.

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