Tecate tamales

Tecate is utilizing tamales to promote Las Posadas, a holiday that reflects Mexican-American cultural heritage, from early November to December. A holiday tradition for more than 400 years, Las Posadas brings family together in the days leading up to Christmas. Tamales, not an everyday meal, have unified families by reflecting unique home-grown traditions.

In a value-added component to the retail promotion, a voucher program offers shoppers a chance to win a $25 Uber credit to help get them home safely after enjoying “Tamales y Tecates.”

“Las Posadas is a way to bring the family together in the days leading up to Christmas,” said Juan Carlos Montes, Tecate senior brand manager with Heineken USA. “Ninety percent of Hispanics celebrate holidays from Hispanic countries, 99 percent of Hispanics enjoy eating traditional Hispanic food, and they use the holidays to reconnect with where they come from. Their recipes and the beer they drink reflects their unique cultural heritage,” Montes said. “The retail promotion celebrates tamales and Tecate with a combination that is pure Mexican and maintains the so-called holiday ‘T diet’ –tamales, tacos, tortas, tostadas, tortillas, tripitas and, of course, Tecate.”

The retail promotion recognizes that safe, sober rides are a priority during the holiday season by offering shoppers the opportunity to win a $25 Uber credit. Impactful merchandising suggests, “T’s the Season” to enjoy tamales and Tecate and stay safe after enjoying a celebration with family. POS for on- and off-premise features directions on how to enter via text message; winners will be awarded weekly throughout the eight-week program (available in select markets).

Baja California, Mexico-based Tecate, with its strong Mexican heritage, is uniquely positioned to help retailers drive incremental sales and profits with the celebration of a uniquely Latino holiday tradition. The promotion leverages a holiday opportunity to generate store traffic and higher basket ring, as shoppers stock up for the celebrations.

Senior Content Creator After 32 years in the newspaper industry, she is enjoying her new career exploring the world of groceries at The Shelby Report.