Friedas spooky foods

As the ghost of COVID continues to linger, Halloween is expected to look a little different this year, making now the perfect time to inspire shoppers and their families to try some new spooky foods in the produce department. According to a recent survey, 45 percent of shoppers are looking to find new and different things in the grocery store to make life a little more fun and interesting since the onset of the global pandemic.

“I look forward to our Spooky Foods promotion all year long because it’s a great way to get shoppers to try something they have never had before. This year, I’m especially excited about our super-sweet yellow dragon fruit from Ecuador with a Brix level as high as 23 … so sweet your kids will think it’s candy,” said Allen Demo, director of business and grower development at Los Alamitos, California-based Frieda’s Specialty Produce.

Just because consumers are opting for small Halloween gatherings at home or letting kids trick-or-treat within their social pods doesn’t mean that Halloween needs to be less fun. Remind them about the joys of spooky foods at Halloween by displaying carved faces on apples and kiwanos, creating jackfruit jack-o-lanterns and staging some rambutans to show off the fruit’s fearsome spiky sweetness. Don’t forget to add festive decorations from other departments to help to create the full Halloween effect.

Make the produce department a destination this Halloween by stocking up on fruits and vegetables that will give your shoppers something to cackle about.

Frieda’s Specialty Produce has been inspiring new food experiences for friends, families and food lovers everywhere since 1962. From kiwifruit and dragon fruit to Stokes Purple sweet potatoes and habanero peppers, Frieda’s has introduced more than 200 unique fruits and vegetables to the U.S. marketplace. Founded by produce industry trailblazer Dr. Frieda Rapoport Caplan, subject of the 2015 documentary “Fear No Fruit,” the family company is owned and operated by Frieda’s daughters, Karen Caplan and Jackie Caplan Wiggins, in Orange County, California.

Senior Content Creator After 32 years in the newspaper industry, she is enjoying her new career exploring the world of groceries at The Shelby Report.