Balls Food Stores anniversary

Ball’s Food Stores says 100 employees have earned certification from the American National Standards Institute and the Conference for Food Protection. Company employees participated in an intensive, seven-hour food safety training course focused on proper food handling, food preparation and food storage along with food safety and sanitation standards that are required by the FDA and USDA through the Food Safety Modernization Act.

After passing the certification test, department managers, store managers and senior leadership earned accreditation and a certificate from the National Registry of Food Safety Professionals.

“The company is committed to ensuring all guests receive the best possible shopping experience in the safest environment. Every Balls Price Chopper, Hen House Market, Balls Sun Fresh Market and Payless Discount Foods have at least one manager on duty during all hours of operation who is a Certified Food Protection Manager,” said Gregg Frost, VP of human resources for Ball’s Food.

Kansas City, Kansas-based Ball’s Food Stores operates 26 supermarkets under the Hen House Market, Price Chopper, Sun Fresh and Payless Discount Foods banners in Kansas City and surrounding markets.

Senior Content Creator After 32 years in the newspaper industry, she is enjoying her new career exploring the world of groceries at The Shelby Report.