BGC Brookshire Grocery Co. Bossier

Tyler, Texas-based Brookshire Grocery Co. has coordinated the collection and donation of food over the last three weeks from customers and vendors, totaling over $58,000. The food was donated to the East Texas Food Bank, providing aid to community members in need during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The collection was made possible through “Fill the Big Grocery Cart” events at three BGC stores and the partnership with local produce vendors. During the events, customers were encouraged to donate non-perishable food items for the East Texas Food Bank with the goal to completely fill the company’s 13-foot tall motorized grocery cart.

The total donation represents more than two 18-wheeler truckloads of food and will help provide more than 468,800 meals. The food will provide for the one in four East Texans, including one in three children, who are facing hunger due to the pandemic.

“We are proud of the partnership we have with our customers and suppliers and the impact it makes in our East Texas community,” said Brad Brookshire, chairman and CEO for BGC. “Hunger relief is a cause we support year-round in the communities that support our stores. It is especially important to us now that we help individuals who have been affected by the pandemic.”

East Texas Food Bank CEO Dennis Cullinane added, “We are thankful for Brookshire’s ongoing support. The need for food assistance is greater than ever and our work would not be possible without our strong partners like Brookshires Grocery Co. The meals will have a huge impact on the one in four East Texans who are facing hunger.”

BGC also donated $1.2 million in May to food banks across the more than 150 communities it serves. The donation provided more than 9.6 million meals for families in East Texas, Louisiana and Arkansas. Of the total, $1 million is from BGC’s giving back program and the additional $200,000 is as a result of the customer match program.

Mary Margaret is a former Staff Writer at The Shelby Report.