JSL Foods, manufacturer of Fortune Noodles, is launching Fortune Cares, an ongoing charitable donation program to help families affected by food instability amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.
The company feels it is important to give back to those who are struggling with economic losses due to COVID-19. JSL Foods wants to support people turning to charitable organizations to feed their families.
“I know I speak for all of our employees when I say that we feel a deep responsibility to do our part to help address this crisis in the many communities in which we live and work,” said Teiji Kawana, president of JSL Foods. “We stand in harmony with the heroic people who are tirelessly and selflessly working to end this pandemic, and it is our hope that through Fortune Cares, we are able to provide food relief to families affected by this pandemic.”
On July 1, JSL Foods launched its inaugural Fortune Cares campaign “Post A Recipe To Make A Difference” on social media, using the hashtag #FortuneCares. The program gives Fortune customers a chance to influence the amount of giving.
From July 1 to September 1, JSL Foods will donate $5 to charity for every recipe posted by consumers using Fortune Noodles with the hashtag #FortuneCares. With participation, consumers have a chance to win 10 cash prizes. $500 will be awarded for best recipe and nine winners will take home an honorable mention recognition and $100. JSL Foods will also provide all who post a recipe with free Fortune Noodle coupons.
In addition, JSL Foods will donate a portion of all Fortune Noodles sales in 2020 to charity with an estimated value of $25,000.
For more information about Fortune Cares and how you can “Post A Recipe To Make A Difference” click here.
Founded in 1951, JSL Foods is a third-generation, family-owned company. Located in Los Angeles, California, the company has built its reputation on delivering a convenient and restaurant-quality Asian meal experience for consumers at home.