
International recycling leader TerraCycle has begun a national recycling initiative with Gillette, CVS Pharmacy and Fisher House Foundation that calls upon CVS Pharmacy customers to recycle all brands of disposable razors, replaceable-blade cartridge units and razor plastic packaging to help win a playground for a military medical center.Gillette logo

The state that collects the most waste per capita will win a new playground, made from the recycled razors and packaging, that will be awarded to a local Fisher House location.

“Through our partnership with Gillette, CVS Pharmacy and Fisher House Foundation, we are providing consumers with a unique opportunity to responsibly dispose of their razor waste and make a positive impact on the environment for future generations,” said Tom Szaky, CEO of TerraCycle. “We are CVS logohappy to align with these forward-thinking companies to give communities the opportunity to engage around a free, easy recycling solution that supports veterans and their families.”

“Over the years, we’ve seen firsthand the impact a family’s presence can make for ill or injured veterans and service members receiving medical care far away from home,” Fisher House logosaid Ken Fisher, chairman and CEO of Fisher House Foundation. “Gillette, TerraCycle and CVS Pharmacy collaborating to bring awareness to the work we do and to provide a source of joy to our youngest guests is a tremendous gift to us. It shows the power of what we can do when we all come together to support our military heroes and their families.”

Concluding on Aug. 31, each unit of razor and packaging waste sent to TerraCycle will be tallied by state. The total units recycled per state will then be divided by the 2018 Population Estimates as indicated on census.gov for a recycling per state ratio. The state with the highest recycling per capita will be named the winner and a playground, or another project of similar value as determined by the winning house manager, made from the recycled razor and packaging waste will be installed on the premises of a Fisher House location in the state that earned the most points. If the winning state does not have a Fisher House location, the Fisher House location in closest geographic proximity will be awarded.

The Gillette Razor Recycling Program is an ongoing activity, open to any individual, family, school or community group.

Fisher House Foundation is best known for its network of 87 comfort homes where military and veterans’ families can stay at no cost while a loved one is receiving treatment. These homes are located at major military and VA medical centers nationwide, and in Europe, close to the medical center or hospital they serve. Fisher Houses have up to 21 suites, with private bedrooms and baths. Families share a common kitchen, laundry facilities, a warm dining room and an inviting living room. Fisher House Foundation ensures that there is never a lodging fee. Since inception, the program has saved military and veterans’ families an estimated $500 million in out of pocket costs for lodging and transportation.

CVS Pharmacy customers who are ready to recycle their razor waste can visit the campaign website at cvs.com/recycleshave, download a free shipping label and ship the razors and packaging to Trenton, New Jersey-based TerraCycle for easy recycling.

Senior Content Creator After 32 years in the newspaper industry, she is enjoying her new career exploring the world of groceries at The Shelby Report.