Shine United Moon Cheese

Moon Cheese recently underwent a brand refresh so the look on the outside matches the crunchy cheese bites on the inside. Madison, Wisconsin-based Shine United was tasked with performing this integrated rebrand that included an overhaul of the look and feel which was translated into new packaging, a new website, content to fuel social media presence and much more. This endeavor began shortly after Shine became Moon Cheese’s Agency of Record in mid-2019. 

“The new design is full of energy, excitement and personality,” said John Krull, Shine’s VP and creative director. “The new packaging has great shelf appeal and seeks to create a greater emotional connection between the consumer and the product.”

Shine set about designing a variety of concepts that spoke to the product’s health benefits—all-natural, 100 percent cheese and crunchy—but also embraced the brand’s desire to connect with users in a wholly original way. 

“Our creative teams were able to approach the Moon Cheese rebrand with fresh eyes and a wealth of insights driven by consumer research conducted by Shine which allowed them to develop a design platform that is original and stands out from a crowded field of competitors,” said Nick Newlin, Shine’s VP and group account director. “The new website, social media channels, consumer emails and even their trade show materials work together to better tell the story of Moon Cheese.” 

Since its inception in 2001, Shine United has been revered for its bold brand evolutions, innovative marketing strategies and breakthrough creative executions. Shine has received much acclaim for its work within the food and restaurant vertical, as well as work done in the healthcare, outdoor and active sport categories. Shine’s portfolio includes work for Toppers Pizza, Erbert & Gerbert’s Sandwich Shop, HuHot Mongolian Grill, Festival Foods, Food Network and Wisconsin Cheese.

“The new brand is fantastic and truly delivers,” said Marcia Hunt, Moon Cheese’s chief marketing officer. “Shine’s creative team strategically used our consumer research insights to steer the development and designs in a way to meaningfully connect to consumers and stand out on shelf. We’re very pleased with the new brand and we’re excited to continue to grow this partnership.”

Shine is continuing to work with Moon Cheese on launching new product flavors, expanding its business into Canada and providing market research to help them understand the expanding needs of their consumers. 

Senior Content Creator After 32 years in the newspaper industry, she is enjoying her new career exploring the world of groceries at The Shelby Report.