National Beverage Corp. St. Jude logo LaCroix

National Beverage Corp. announced Feb. 19 dismissal with prejudice and complete retraction of all of the allegations contained in a prior lawsuit which challenged the natural ingredient labeling of LaCroix. The plaintiff recanted the statements made in a press release issued by her counsel concurrent with the lawsuit that was filed.

In a written recantation, the plaintiff, Lenora Rice, and her law firm withdrew and unequivocally retracted all the claims lodged against Fort Lauderdale, Florida-based National Beverage. In the retraction, Rice and her law firm admitted that the testing of LaCroix conducted by their hired laboratory made no findings that LaCroix contained any artificial ingredients.

The lawsuit, filed in 2018 by law firm Beaumont Costales LLC on behalf of Rice, alleged testing revealed synthetic ingredients.

Rice and her lawyers confirmed they received no payment or compensation, directly or indirectly, and agreed to the retraction and dismissal of the lawsuit with prejudice. 

“This dismissal confirms our promise to demonstrate that these allegations had absolutely no merit and reaffirms that the company delivers a pure and innocent product,” stated a company spokesperson. “This is a vindication of National Beverage and confirms the assurances we gave to our loyal following of LaCroix consumers, our customers and our shareholders that this lawsuit was baseless.

“We are grateful to our loyal consumers and healthy advocates that continue to anticipate our new and exciting innovations,” the spokesperson added.

Senior Content Creator After 32 years in the newspaper industry, she is enjoying her new career exploring the world of groceries at The Shelby Report.