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State College, Pennsylvania-based VideoMining Corporation, a supplier of in-store behavior analytics for CPG retail, announced the release of the new Yearlong Grocery Trip Tracker, which includes customizable micro-segmentation of trips and granular insights at the brand and product level.

The new tool is available as part of the recently expanded, industry-standard Grocery Shopper Insights (GSI) program. The GSI program captured and analyzed more than 400 million grocery trips across a nationally representative panel of stores from a diverse set of retailers through the 52-week period ending on Dec. 28, 2019.

The Trip Tracker complements VideoMining’s popular Category Fundamentals, Display Playbooks and custom research options available from the expanded GSI program. The tool enables an unprecedentedly deep dive into the dynamics of grocery purchase behavior throughout the year at a very granular level.

“As the Grocery channel continues to evolve rapidly, it’s important for shopper insights and analytics tools to keep up with retail realities of 2020,” said Dr. Rajeev Sharma, founder & CEO of VideoMining. “The flexible micro-segmentation offered by our new tool captures today’s grocery store trips, enabling actionable insights at the brand and product level for all manufacturers.”

The cloud-based Trip Tracker tool as well as the broader GSI program utilize a proprietary suite of advanced sensing and artificial intelligence technologies to capture and interpret in-store shopper behavior in the Grocery channel. The unique GSI program provides a host of foundational insights for every product category and tracks relevant shopper behavior trends for the Grocery industry.

Insights from the GSI program are delivered through a range of customizable packages and interactive tools. Broad shopper trends as well as specific case studies are also reported in various industry publications and conferences.

The Shelby Report delivers complete grocery news and supermarket insights nationwide through the distribution of five monthly regional print and digital editions. Serving the retail food trade since 1967,...