7-Eleven Inc. is launching a line of electronic accessories to be sold under the new 24/7 Life by 7-Eleven brand, which will also include batteries, over-the-counter medications, health and beauty aids, cleaning supplies, paper goods, office supplies, wine accessories, travel-size toiletries and more.
In addition to the trademark 7-Eleven green, red and orange colors, the new stylized script logo will appear in a variety of color combinations on more than 200 products.
“It’s important 7-Eleven customers know they are getting accessories for their electronic devices that are benchmarked to meet the same standards as those from top manufacturers,” said Tim Cogil, 7-Eleven senior director for private brands. “To ensure compatibility with leading electronic brands such as Apple and Android, all lightning cables, chargers and adapters are certified by a third-party firm. 7-Eleven also has contracted with global trend forecasters about consumer trends and emerging products to stay out in front of rapidly changing technology trends.”
Electronics sold under the 24/7 Life by 7-Eleven brand will be marketed in four categories: audio, cable, charge and more, each with its own specific color-coded packaging to help customers quickly and easily find what they need. Available at all participating stores, the Irving, Texas-based retailer says the electronics line will be especially helpful to customers who have an unexpected accessory “emergency” and stop in one of the many 7-Eleven stores located near hotels, airports and stadiums.
Available 24/7 Life by 7-Eleven electronic accessories include wireless charging pads, speakers, sound pods and ear buds; power banks and a variety of chargers and cables; wired sports earbuds, phone mounts, adapters, tech organizers and screen cleaning kits.
Another one of the convenience retailer’s nonfoods private brand options under 24/7 Life is over-the-counter medications. Flu season in the U.S. officially started this month, and 7-Eleven offers several medicines that provide relief from cold and flu symptoms.
Participating 7-Eleven stores carry dozens of value-priced over-the-counter drugs for pain relief, cold/flu/allergy, cough/sore throat, gastrointestinal upset and sleep aids, as well as children’s strength medicines. All meet the same Food and Drug Administration (FDA) efficacy guidelines and standards of their national-brand counterparts, including product strength, dosing directions and package labeling.
Studies cite brand ambivalent millennials’ affinity for value and quality as a major cause for the growing popularity of private brands. An estimated eight in 10 Americans buy private brand products to save money, although younger customers also attribute innovation and quality as reasons for purchasing.
Introduced in 1946, the 7-Eleven brand reflected stores’ extended operating hours, a rarity more than 70 years ago. Less than 20 years later, 7-Eleven tested 24/7 hours at a store off the Las Vegas Strip and another near The University of Texas football stadium in Austin. In addition to the Las Vegas stores, 7-Eleven began expanding its hours at stores near colleges and universities. As America’s average age became younger and more jobs required late night and early morning shifts, 7-Eleven became a round-the-clock operation to better serve its customers’ lifestyles.
“We provide customers with what they want, when they want it—24/7, for life’s needs,” Cogil said. “Whether that’s wireless earbuds on the way to the airport, medicine for a sick child, sunscreen at the beach or detergent for laundry, 7-Eleven has the products they need at a terrific value.”
Packaged food and beverages will continue to be sold under the 7-Select brand, which was introduced 15 years ago.