Ehrmann + Lactalis

Lactalis Group in Buffalo, New York, has acquired Ehrmann Commonwealth Dairy, the U.S. yogurt business of Ehrmann AG, a Bavaria, Germany-based dairy company. The acquisition was completed on July 5.

Lactalis + EhrmannEstablished in 2009, Ehrmann Commonwealth Dairy has two state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities that employ 250 people in Brattleboro, Vermont, and Casa Grande, Arizona. The plants manufacture and distribute yogurt and other dairy products under the Green Mountain Creamery and Liebe brands. It also has a strong private label business, Lactalis says.

“The Ehrmann acquisition is a terrific complement to our Stonyfield and siggi’s brands in the U.S.,” said Thierry Clement, CEO of Lactalis North America. “Ehrmann’s Vermont and Arizona plants are the ideal platform to develop our star brands, strengthen national distribution and secure topflight quality and service for our private label customers. The capability we gain with Ehrmann’s two plants, combined with the power of our leading brands, ensures the long term growth of the Lactalis yogurt business in the U.S. and underlines our commitment and ambition in the category.”

The deal represents Lactalis’ fourth U.S. acquisition in two years. With this latest acquisition, Lactalis now has eight factories and more than 2,400 employees in the U.S. 

Lactalis Group is a third-generation, family owned business founded in France the in the 1930s. The company came to the U.S. in the 1980s and opened the first U.S. manufacturing facility devoted exclusively to French brie. Today, it operates more than 250 facilities around the world.

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