Naperville, Illinois-based KeHE Distributors LLC has joined the SmartWay Transport Partnership, an innovative collaboration between U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and industry partners that provides a framework to assess the environmental and energy efficiency as goods move through the supply chain.
By joining SmartWay Transport Partnership, KeHE demonstrates its strong environmental leadership and corporate responsibility. In doing so, KeHE will contribute to the partnership’s overall savings of 215.4 million barrels of oil, $29.7 billion in fuel costs, and 103 million tons of air pollutants. This is equivalent to eliminating annual energy use in more than 14 million homes.
“As a Certified B Corporation, we are committed to environmental stewardship. As we pursue our journey of sustainability, it is important for us to monitor our emissions and reduce our carbon footprint. We partnered with the EPA SmartWay program to better understand the impact our fleet has on the planet and have set reduction targets accordingly,” said Laura McCord, KeHE executive director of sustainability and corporate responsibility.
The SmartWay Transport Partnership program was launched in 2004 by the EPA and Charter Partners represented by industry stakeholders, environmental groups, American Trucking Associations, and Business for Social Responsibility. Partners rely on SmartWay tools and approaches to track and reduce emissions and fuel use from goods movement.
Freight shippers, carriers, logistics companies and other stakeholders partner with EPA to measure, benchmark and improve logistics operations so they can reduce their environmental footprint. Through SmartWay technology verification and branding, EPA has accelerated availability, adoption and market penetration of fuel-saving technologies and operational practices while helping companies save fuel, lower costs and reduce adverse environmental impacts.
With its nationwide distribution network, KeHE Distributors LLC provides natural and organic, specialty and fresh products to chain and independent grocery and natural food stores and other specialty product retailers throughout North America. KeHE is an employee-owned company with more than 5,000 employee-owners in the U.S. and Canada.