Brookshire Grocery Co. golf tournament
From left, James Smith with Niagara Bottling; Brad Brookshire, BGC chairman and CEO; and Joe Steinwinder with Sanderson Farms, present the $625,000 donation check.

The 31st annual Brookshire Grocery Co. (BGC) Charity Golf Tournament raised a record-breaking $625,000, with more than 675 golfers competing on four East Texas courses April 30.

Tyler, Texas-based BGC donates tournament proceeds each year to more than 100 nonprofit organizations in more than 150 communities served by Brookshire’s, Fresh by Brookshire’s, Super 1 Foods and Spring Market stores. The company focuses its charitable giving on hunger relief, education, family well-being, and  military heroes and first responders.

Tournament participants were primarily representatives from 250 vendor companies, along with BGC leaders and other business associates. Course locations were The Cascades, Eagles Bluff, Hollytree and Willow Brook. BGC also hosted a dinner and charity auction the evening of April 29 at the Harvey Convention Center in Tyler.

“We were very excited to host our 31st annual BGC Charity Golf Tournament,” said Brad Brookshire, chairman and CEO for Brookshire Grocery Co. “Our company is committed to making a positive impact in the communities that support our stores. With the support of our vendor partners, we are proud to have raised more than $625,000 for nonprofit organizations that serve in our communities.”

Since the tournament’s inception in 1988, more than $6.5 million has been raised and contributed to groups in communities served by BGC stores.

BGC is a regional family grocery business that operates more than 180 stores in three states—Texas, Louisiana and Arkansas—with three distribution centers. The company has been in operation since 1928.

Senior Content Creator After 32 years in the newspaper industry, she is enjoying her new career exploring the world of groceries at The Shelby Report.