Back Bay Roasters cold brew

Back Bay Roasters soon will offer Beacon Black Cold Brew Coffee. Most cold-brew offerings are heat pasteurized during the bottling process to extend shelf-life. True cold brew coffee is brewed, packaged, shipped and stored cold.

Beacon Black Cold Brew Coffee arrives in stores from Maine to Maryland in a 3-liter “brew box” and in 12-oz. bottles on May 1. All of Boston, Massachusetts-based Back Bay Roasters brews are brewed with a proprietary process for a smooth taste and kept cold from brewhouse to bottle. In addition to cold brew coffees, the company brews an artisanal line of cold brew teas. Coffee beans are roasted in-house, and all the beverages are brewed and packaged at in the Wilmington, Massachusetts, plant.

Back Bay Coffee logo“Cold brew isn’t cold brew if it isn’t kept cold from start to finish,” said Kyle Roy, Back Bay Roaster COO. “Many popular coffee companies heat their cold brew to 170 degrees during the pasteurization process, changing the flavor of the cold brew and reducing the smoothness of the taste.”

“Coffee drinkers have an emotional connection to their brew and the ready-to-drink consumer is someone who doesn’t want to sacrifice this connection just because they are on the move,” said Back Bay Roasters Co-founder Shea Coakley. “Beacon Black is a crave-worthy addition to the coffee lover’s daily ritual.”

Coffee market sales in the U.S. increased by 4 percent in 2018, reaching $14.4 billion (Mintel, 2018). The ready-to-drink category is the fastest growing segment in the retail coffee market, and it is expected to drive coffee growth through 2023.

“We will launch Back Bay Roasters products in 1,500 grocery stores from New England to the Mid-Atlantic,” said Doug Caplan, chief growth officer of Back Bay Roasters.

Beacon Black Cold Brew is Back Bay Coffee Roasters flagship product and comes in a dispensing system that fits perfectly into the refrigerator in a 3-liter “brew box.”

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