Farmstead, the online grocery delivery service in San Francisco, California, is using compostable produce bags for deliveries to customers.
Prior to the shift to compostable produce bags, the company was using thin-plastic film typically seen in the supermarket produce aisles. Responding to customer demand and in an effort to reduce plastic and provide a more environmentally sustainable option, Farmstead switched this week to compostable produce bags for delivering its locally sourced fruits and vegetables.
The company also provides reusable, insulated grocery bags to keep customer orders cold for hours so they are not required to be home to receive a delivery. Once customers are part of the Farmstead community, they return bags, ice packs and milk bottles with their next order. Farmstead cleans and re-uses the bags and ice packs.
“Farmstead is looking to not only reduce food waste, but to reduce waste in general and do our part to make the environment safer and cleaner,” said Pradeep Elankumaran, founder and CEO of Farmstead. “Our customers and team members felt strongly about compostable bags and we wanted to lead this important change in the perishable grocery delivery space, especially as online grocery adoption is rapidly increasing in the U.S. Because we are providing a more affordable and accessible option to customers than other online grocers, we’re now getting more people exposed to compostable bags across our delivery area while systematically helping them reduce their dependence on plastic bags.”