IGA Best Practices Awards promo

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by the Independent Grocers Alliance (IGA)

How do independent grocers even the playing field in a highly competitive, always-evolving retail environment? They use their independence to their advantage, moving at a rapid pace to create and test innovative, localized solutions to the challenges they face.

Sure, not every solution works every time, but the ones that do become tried and true ideas that set the store apart, drive customer loyalty, and ultimately, increase sales. It’s those ideas that IGA, the world’s largest group of independent retailers in the world, is looking to capture with its new IGA Best Practices Library.

Only a few months old, the IGA Best Practices Library already has more than 70 best practices from IGA retailers around the world, all housed in a simple, step-by-step format that makes it easy for other retailers to adapt and implement in their stores. And now, IGA is asking for your help to honor the best of the best with its inaugural Best Practice Awards at the IGA Global Rally.

IGA has handpicked 13 IGA Best Practices for their creativity, ability to increase sales and adaptability by fellow retailers. Now it’s up to the industry to vote for the best. When all the votes are in, the top three will be announced at the IGA Global Rally Awards of Excellence Brunch on Sunday, Feb. 24, and each will take home a $1,000 cash prize for the store.

Cast Your Vote

Vote as many times as you want to ensure your choices make the winning three, and be sure to recruit your friends and colleagues to do the same!

Alissa was Staff Writer at The Shelby Report.