In conjunction with Feeding America‘s Hunger Action Month, Food Lion Feeds will remodel and stock the shelves at 30 food pantries across its 10-state footprint during its fourth annual “The Great Pantry Makeover.” Food Lion Feeds is Food Lion’s hunger relief initiative, which has donated more than 400 million meals to neighbors in need since 2014.
“Giving back to our communities is part of who we are at Food Lion and something we care deeply about,” said Meg Ham, president of Food Lion. “This year’s Great Pantry Makeover effort is focused on expanding the capacity of these local feeding agencies to distribute fresh, nutritious food so their clients can nourish their families and set them up for success. I know our associates are excited to give back to the communities they call home, and I can’t wait to see the results.”
More than 300 Food Lion associates will volunteer to support their local feeding agencies the September event, which kicked off on Sept. 5 and includes service projects planned throughout the month. During the event, Food Lion associates will donate more than 1,500 volunteer service hours and the equivalent of 1 million meals through food and equipment donations such as painting and cleaning pantries, installing shelving, freezers, coolers and other equipment to expand capacity for fresh fruits, vegetables and other products, as well as stocking shelves with food.
Pantries included are:
Claymont Community Center, Claymont
America’s Second Harvest of Coastal Georgia, Savannah
Christway Christian Church, Martinez
Live Oak Church of God, Hinesville
Second Harvest of South Georgia, Valdosta
Feed My Sheep Foodbank, Oak Grove
Snow Hill Ecumencial Food Pantry, Snow Hill
North Carolina
Albemarle Food Pantry, Elizabeth City
Brogden Middle School, Durham
Catholic Charities Fayetteville Regional Office, Fayetteville
Corinth Baptist Church, Casar
Facts of Life Church of the Living God, Tabor City
Helping Hands, High Point
The Open Door Ministries, Waynesville
Lazarus Gate Food Pantry, Rockwood
South Carolina
Area Churches Together Service, Aiken
Bethlehem Baptist Church Food Pantry, Simpsonville
JBC Cares Inc., Hopkins
St. Delight Community Outreach of Horry County, Little River
First UMC Henry Center, Tullahoma
New Life Bread Basket, Loudon
On One Accord Inc., Rogersville
The Caring Place, Cleveland
Oak Hill Baptist Church, Arrington
Project Care For/Clarksville Food Pantry, Clarksville
Spotsylvania Emergency Concerns Association (SECA), Spotsylvania
Sweet Union Baptist Church, Roanoke
Triumph Christian Center, Newport News
St. John’s UMC, Norfolk
West Virginia
Warm Hands from Warm Hearts, Oak Hill
Food Lion, based in Salisbury, North Carolina, has more than 1,000 stores in 10 Southeastern and Mid-Atlantic states and employs more than 63,000 associates.
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