Shop 'n Save ad campaign

Shop ’n Save, an independently owned and operated grocery retailer with more than 90 stores in western Pennsylvania, Maryland, New York, Ohio and West Virginia, has launched its new “consumer-centric” advertising campaign.

Shop ’n Save officials described the campaign as a “lighthearted, natural evolution of the grocer’s longtime tagline, Just Right,” which “goes beyond showcasing competitive prices and puts the Shop ’n Save customer in the spotlight.”

According to the New Stanton, Pennsylvania-based grocery company, “Whether customers are bustling through the aisles balancing a full cart of groceries or tackling an afternoon errand with a screaming, cookie-crazed child, each piece of the campaign explores the quirky truths and natural human instincts of grocery shopping. By accentuating these all-too-recognizable actions, Shop ’n Save demonstrates its strong understanding of customers’ needs and displays its dedication to providing a convenient, positive experience for each and every shopper.”

The campaign includes new TV spots, radio segments, digital marketing and social media activations that highlight the grocer’s one-stop-shop offerings, including full-service deli, bakery, meat and floral departments.

In addition to the grocer’s name brand product offerings, spots will feature private label brands Essential Everyday and Wild Harvest.

The stores launching this campaign are not included in the sale of corporately owned Shop ‘n Saves announced by Supervalu in late April. Supervalue is pursuing the sale of all corporate Shop ’n Saves, which include those in the East division, described above, as well as a St. Louis-based division. Supervalu announced its intention to sell Shop ’n Save in conjunction with the news that it is in the midst of selling and leasing back eight of its distribution centers.

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