All Packaging Co., a folding carton manufacturer based in Aurora, Colorado, has introduced a new solution for companies that want to keep their products safe from children, but at the same time look and feel “beautifully branded” on the store shelf.
The SlideLocker CRx, designed by packaging engineers at All Packaging, has been tested and certified using federal standards for child-resistance and senior-friendliness (CFR Title 16 Part 1700). While current child-resistant bottles and jars meet functionality requirements, there has been an increasing demand by product marketers to provide a more visually appealing and pleasing experience for their customers. The SlideLocker CRx carton, with its patented two-piece locking tray and sleeve construction, allows high-resolution print, coatings and effects to be applied to the design, specific to each brand. All Packaging says the opening action of the carton is a “unique and positive experience for the user,” and it re-locks with each closure for reusability. The carton is made primarily from paperboard, making it a more earth-friendly alternative than many bottle and jar options currently on the market. Additionally, a portion of all sales of the packaging are donated to Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals.
“There is significant demand for truly unique child-safe packaging, which was our initial motivation to invest in this innovative SlideLocker design,” said Andy Heins, VP of sales and marketing at All Packaging Co. “After more than a year in the engineering and development process, our motivation evolved to a larger purpose: find a way for the package to benefit children beyond protecting them from accidental and potentially harmful consumption of medication and other regulated substances. As such, we forged a partnership with Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals, whereby All Packaging Company provides a portion of SlideLocker CRx revenues to Children’s Hospitals across North America to assist in their mission to help save and improve the lives of as many children as possible.”
SlideLocker takes home industry award
On Oct. 6, paperboard packaging manufacturers gathered at the 74th North American Paperboard Packaging Competition. The Paperboard Packaging Council hosted 28 companies, which had submitted their best work from the past year to be judged by a panel of packaging experts.
Up against 160 other entries, representing packaged brands such as Budweiser, Gillette, Clinique, Keebler, Ben & Jerry’s, Yves Saint Laurent, Hershey’s and others, All Packaging’s SlideLocker took home the competition’s highest award—The 2017 Package of the Year.
“No other manufacturer of paperboard packaging in North America took home more Gold awards than All Packaging Company! This coveted achievement feeds our motivation to provide our customers with a level of packaging that helps take their brands beyond the competition,” the company said.
All Packaging Co. is a designer and manufacturer of earth-friendly packaging. In business for more than 70 years, the company produces custom-printed folding cartons for more than 270 customers across the U.S., Canada and Mexico.