The Wheeler District, a neighborhood in downtown Oklahoma City, will host its Food For All food truck on Aug. 29 with net proceeds from the event benefitting the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma. The truck will be at the Wheeler Ferris Wheel from 5-8 p.m.
“The Food For All food truck is a great way to enjoy delicious food and help raise money for the Regional Food Bank,” said Ashley Terry, Wheeler District.
This is the third Food For All food truck fundraising event the district has hosted to benefit the Regional Food Bank. Each event features local chefs who donate their time and expertise to create culinary treats with ingredients donated by Whole Foods Market. Featured chefs for Aug. 29 will be Kamala Gamble and Barbara Mock of Kam’s Kookery.
“Wheeler District and the Food for All food truck are valued partners in the fight against hunger in Oklahoma,” said Katie Fitzgerald, CEO of the Regional Food Bank. “Thanks to their support and that of Whole Foods Market, every dollar raised will provide the equivalent of five meals to the one in six Oklahomans with inconsistent access to food.”
In addition, through Sept. 30, every donation to the Food for Kids program will be matched, up to $150,000, thanks to the Masonic Fraternity of Oklahoma, Benvenuti Ristorante, David Gorham and two anonymous donors.
Established in 1980, the Regional Food Bank is the largest private, domestic hunger-relief organization in the state of Oklahoma. Last fiscal year, the nonprofit distributed 52 million pounds of food and products through a network of more than 1,300 schools and charitable feeding programs in 53 central and western Oklahoma counties.