New attendees include Salvador Vargas, Novamex; Jeanne Stanton and Rita Mora, Kellogg's; Rhonda Tagge and Lois Verleur, Olive Crest; Erum Abbas, Mars Inc.; and Ricardo Lunas, Novamex.
New attendees include Salvador Vargas, Novamex; Jeanne Stanton and Rita Mora, Kellogg's; Rhonda Tagge and Lois Verleur, Olive Crest; Erum Abbas, Mars Inc.; and Ricardo Lunas, Novamex.

Olive Crest recently hosted its Food Industry Roundtable meeting at Northgate Markets in Southern California. Olive Crest’s mission is to prevent child abuse, treat and educate at-risk children, and preserve the family. The grocery industry has long supported the organization.

The roundtable discussed the industry’s recent accomplishments and other items of interest, including:

• Food4Less Mobile raised $103,715;

• The Tag Campaign has 30 participating vendors and has generated more than $450,000. Nielsen reports indicate vendors get about a 42 percent lift from program participation;OliveCrestLogo

• Recognized new Kids at Heart monthly donors and gave a synopsis of what a donation provides (85 cents of every dollar directly benefits the children of Olive Crest);

• Reported on funds raised from foundations and grants;

• The importance of social media;

• Lupillo Ramirez of Northgate proposed a new cause marketing bag giving back to Olive Crest (more on this is expected to be released later); and

• The success of year-to-date Olive Crest events and upcoming events.

The group also welcomed new roundtable members: Chobani, Kellogg, Mars Inc., Novamex, P&G, Pinnacle Foods, Smithfield, Sun Products, Tropicana/Quaker and Tyson.

The organization’s next roundtable will be held Sept. 15 at Olive Crest’s corporate offices in Santa Ana.

Led by Mike Mortensen, SVP of sales and marketing at Smart & Final, the Olive Crest Food Industry Roundtable is designed to provide a coordinated effort that advances the mission of Olive Crest while facilitating growth and interaction between retailers and vendors in a small environment. Sponsors of Olive Crest automatically become an exclusive member of the roundtable. Meetings are held three times per year.

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