Buehler’s Fresh Foods honored local family farmers and growers who supply fresh fruits, vegetables and floral products to their stores at the Local Growers Appreciation Luncheon on June 10. The event was held at the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center on The Ohio State University ATI Campus in Wooster.
Speakers at the event included David T. Daniels, director of the Ohio Department of Agriculture, who discussed the importance of the food and agriculture industry to the state’s economy, impacting the employment of one of every seven Ohioans; as well as Nate Filler, president and CEO of the Ohio Grocers Association, who highlighted Buehler’s unique ability to connect, develop and maintain the connection between growers and the consumer.
Buehler’s also honored four growers with special recognition for their success over the past year. These winners were: “Organic Grower” David Raber, Greenfield Farms; “Top Volume Grower” Fruit Growers Marketing Association; “Loyal Partner” Maurer Farms; and “Sustainable Partner” Eagle Creek Nursery. Each grower received a Buehler’s gift bag filled with signature products and an orchid, compliments of Green Circle Growers.
“We are fortunate to live in the heart of the Ohio’s agricultural community and to partner with our neighboring growers and family farmers,” said Dan Shanahan, Buehler’s president and COO. “Thank you for your daily hard work and commitment to bring Buehler’s customers the freshest seasonal produce and plants available.”
Buehler’s Fresh Foods is the largest supporter of the Mt. Hope Produce Auction in Holmes County, Ohio, where it sources the freshest produce from the local Amish community. The retailer also partners with 25 local family farms and growers in central Ohio.