Micheal Cristal
Micheal Cristal

The Kroger Co. has promoted Micheal Cristal, director of retail operations for Kroger’s Atlanta division, to VP of merchandising for the company’s Quality Food Centers (QFC) division. In his new role, Cristal will oversee merchandising efforts in the Puget Sound region of Washington State and in the Portland, Oregon, metro area.

“Throughout the years, Micheal has been a strong leader for our division and has contributed greatly to our success,” said Bruce Lucia, president of Kroger’s Atlanta division. “He is a champion of improving our customers’ shopping experience through high-level merchandising standards, people development and accountability. We congratulate him on his promotion and wish him well.”

Cristal joined Kroger in 1985 as a management trainee in Memphis, Tennessee, and has more than 30 years of experience in operations and merchandising. During his career with Kroger, Cristal’s assignments have included store management, category manager, merchandiser, corporate drug/GM coordinator, district manager in the Delta division and, most recently, director of retail operations for the Atlanta division since 2013, where he was responsible for 185 Kroger stores in Georgia, eastern Alabama and South Carolina.

In addition to his Kroger responsibilities, Cristal’s passion for community involvement is personified by his leadership in and with organizations, including UNCF, Youth Works, United Way, National Urban League and Boys and Girls Club. He also supports Kroger’s Atlanta division’s cultural councils.

“I’m very proud to be promoted to vice president of merchandising,” says Cristal. “My enthusiasm, keen sense of the customer and experience in merchandising and operations will be tremendous assets to the Quality Food Centers division team.”

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