Buddha's Hand
Black Garlic
Black Garlic

Frieda’s Produce says Halloween is the perfect time to feature specialty produce at retail, since shoppers will be receptive to creepy looking fruits and vegetables to add to their healthy Halloween snacks and meal plans.

“The scary looking produce provides fresh inspiration for shoppers to keep up with their healthy lifestyle during the candy-centric holiday,” said Karen Caplan, president and CEO of Frieda’s Produce. “Some of our retail partners have told us they encourage their produce personnel to have fun with this theme. For example, Green Cauliflower, roasted whole, can stand in for a roasted ‘brain,’ and Red Dragon Fruit or Red Cactus Pear add the ‘blood’ to beverages and fruit salad. The possibilities are endless.”

Frieda’s popular spooky food items include Stokes Purple Sweet Potatoes, Buddha’s Hand Citron, Organic Finger Limes, Red Dragon Fruit, Red Cactus Pear, Black Garlic, Rambutans, Kiwano, Purple Snow Peas and Kabocha Squash.

Kristen was Editor at The Shelby Report.