V8 and Wheel of Fortune

The V8 and “Wheel of Fortune” brands are coming together for the first time to bring viewers an on-air and online promotion. Key elements of the V8 integrated promotion include the broadcast of “Wheel of Fortune’s” “Always Great! Wheel & V8 Week,” a V8 viewer sweepstakes, co-branding on www.wheeloffortune.com, including a themed online game and an eight-week sponsorship of “Wheel of Fortune’s” bonus round.

“Our viewers enjoy our partnerships and sweepstakes with classic brands like V8,” said Harry Friedman, executive producer of Wheel of Fortune. “V8 is an iconic ‘feel-good’ product that is a great fit for our all-American family-friendly show.”

Added Bill Curtis, senior brand manager for V8, “For nearly 30 years ‘Wheel of Fortune’ has been a classic game show and family favorite. We are thrilled to be partnering with the show for a fully integrated promotion offering viewers a chance to win cash and prizes. It’s a highly engaging program that many Americans tune into every day and our goal is to keep V8 top-of-mind.”

“Always Great! Wheel and V8 Week” kicks off V8’s eight-week sponsorship of the game show’s bonus round. The themed week, which began Jan. 13, features prizes on the wheel from V8, including a $7,500 cash wedge and a $1,000 cash gift tag. In addition, throughout the week, “Wheel of Fortune” will feature V8 fun facts. Pat and Vanna also will close some of the shows with a studio audience giveaway or with interesting V8 trivia.

To enter the sweepstakes, viewers are encouraged to watch “Always Great! Wheel and V8 Week” for a special V8 puzzle and enter at wheeloffortune.com. Each special puzzle will contain at least one eight-letter word with a “V” in it. Each night, eight winners, selected at random, will each win $1,000 in the sweepstakes.

V8 is a brand of Campbell Soup Co.

Kristen was Editor at The Shelby Report.