The Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA) is responding to “Fed Up,” the documentary film that premiered at the Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah, on Sunday. The film is produced and narrated by Katie Couric and explores the childhood obesity epidemic and its apparent causes.
“Our companies have been trusted by generations of families to provide products that are affordable, time-saving, nutritious and well-balanced,” says Sean McBride, GMA’s EVP of communications and membership. “This is a responsibility that we take seriously and will never forget.
“Whether it is new packaging or new ways to prepare our products, or introducing low sodium, low fat and organic foods, we are constantly working to provide the products that empower all consumers to make the choices that are right for them and their families.
“America’s food and beverage companies enthusiastically support First Lady Michelle Obama’s goal of solving childhood obesity within a generation, and recognize that the challenge of reducing obesity is one that requires everyone to do their part. For the food and beverage industry, this means constantly working to increase transparency and provide consumers—especially parents—with healthier options and the information they need to maintain a healthy diet and active lifestyle.”
GMA says that, over the last decade, the food and beverage industry has taken significant and proactive measures to provide consumers with more options and expanded information that allows them to make informed dietary choices for themselves and their families.
• Since 2002, the industry has introduced more than 20,000 new product choices with fewer calories, reduced fat, sodium and sugar, and more whole grains.
• Through the Healthy Weight Commitment Foundation (HWCF), 6.4 trillion calories have been removed from the U.S. marketplace since 2007.
• The 6.4 million calorie decline translates to a reduction of 78 calories per person, per day in the U.S., according to the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, which served as the independent evaluator of the HWCF’s calorie reduction efforts.
• The potential impact of the calorie reductions achieved by HWCF companies is significant; a net reduction of 64 calories per person, per day among U.S. children would achieve the federal government’s Healthy People 2020 childhood obesity reduction goals.
• Working through the Children’s Food and Beverage Advertising Initiative (CFBAI), the industry has voluntarily adopted strict advertising criteria so that virtually 100 percent of CFBAI members’ ads seen on children’s programming now promote healthier diet choices and better-for-you products.
• A December 2012 report by the Federal Trade Commission affirmed that the food industry’s self-regulatory program is working.
• The industry launched Facts Up Front in January 2011, a landmark voluntary front-of-pack nutrition labeling system designed to help busy consumers—especially parents—make informed decisions when they shop.
• Food and beverage companies contribute more than $130 million per year in grants to nutrition and health-related programs in hundreds of communities across the U.S.
• GMA’s member companies also are committed to providing children with healthier meals in schools, supporting the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) recently revised nutrition standards for the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs.
• Full-calorie soft drinks were voluntarily removed from schools and total calories available from beverages in schools have been cut by 90 percent.