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The Fresh Produce & Floral Council (FPFC) has made a contribution of $10,000 through The Philippines Red Cross to support relief efforts in the wake of Typhoon Haiyan.

Thousands of Filipinos were killed during the storm that struck earlier this month and millions have been left homeless and without food.

In addition to providing temporary shelter, food and medical care, Red Cross teams are working in the Philippines to restore communications and other infrastructure that will speed relief efforts. The Red Cross also is aiding in search and rescue efforts and has established a network to help people connect with family members in the Philippines.

“This is one of the worst storms ever recorded,” said FPFC President Carissa Mace regarding the council’s decision to donate. “We could not ignore the devastation of an entire nation. Some of our members have family in the Philippines, but it has impacted us all, and the board decided unanimously to do what we could to help ease the suffering.”

The FPFC has provided a link on the home page of the council’s website—fpfc.org—for others wishing to make contributions to aid in the recovery.

The FPFC is a community of professionals across all sectors of the fresh produce and floral industry who do business in California and the western region. The council is dedicated to providing members with convenient opportunities to build productive relationships, access timely market information, enhance their business skills and pool their efforts to promote and advance the industry.




Kristen was Editor at The Shelby Report.