Balistreri family
Margaret Harris and Ted, Patrick and Nick Balistreri accept a Wisconsin Grocers Association (WGA) 2012 Community Service Award. Pictured are, back, from left, Patrick Balistreri, Nick Balistreri and, front, from left, Bonnie Bellehumeur of Feeding America, Margaret Harris, Ted Balistreri and the WGA's Michelle Kussow.

Ted Balistreri, co-owner of Sendik’s Food Markets, was a participant in the Boston Marathon on Monday, but had finished the race before the bombings occurred.

Balistreri had crossed the finish line about an hour before the blasts, his sister Margaret Harris, Sendik’s co-owner, told The Business Journal. She said the company’s reception desk had been busy with calls from people worried about his safety when word about the explosions surfaced.

“The whole office has been very undone about this; he is OK and finished well before the explosions,” she said.

Harris said her brother wasn’t aware of what had happened until he received calls and text messages from concerned friends and family.

“Ted is a good runner and we are so grateful he got through, our hearts go out to the victims of this tragedy,” Harris told the Journal.


In the feature photo at top: Margaret Harris and Ted, Patrick and Nick Balistreri are shown after accepting a Wisconsin Grocers Association (WGA) 2012 Community Service Award. Pictured are, back, from left, Patrick Balistreri, Nick Balistreri and, front, from left, Bonnie Bellehumeur of Feeding America, Margaret Harris, Ted Balistreri and the WGA’s Michelle Kussow.

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