The Minnesota Grocers Association (MGA) is encouraging consumers to help their neighbors who are struggling with hunger by going to the grocery store and to “check hunger off” their lists by participating in Minnesota’s Own during the month of October. All food and monetary contributions collected in-store will go to community food banks and shelves to benefit local families.
Minnesota’s Own is a three-way partnership among grocers, vendors and consumers aimed at increasing donations to Minnesota food shelves. MGA coordinates the program across the state. Last year, the Minnesota’s Own campaign provided 5.8 million meals to hungry families in Minnesota.
“Our grocers and their vendor partners share consumers’ concerns for providing food and other necessities to local families in need,” said Jamie Pfuhl, president of MGA. “The participating retailers and vendors are pleased to bring Minnesota’s Own to our communities, to help increase donations to their local food shelves, and to benefit area families during these difficult economic times.”
Grocers will offer ways for consumers to participate in Minnesota’s Own, including some of the following options:
• Food Drive—buy items in the store and donate them to local food shelves; and
• “Check Off Hunger” Icons—for $1, $3 or $5, customers may contribute to food shelves at the register and sign a grocery list icon that will be displayed prominently in the store.
On Oct. 7, will launch to highlight the participating vendors and retailers. The website will encourage consumers to shop at participating stores and look for product displays with the Minnesota’s Own logo. Purchasing products from these companies will benefit community food banks and shelves. There will also be a link to allow the public to donate to their community food support agency.
“During this time of economic challenge, Minnesota’s Own provides an excellent opportunity to increase awareness of a social issue that affects all of our communities,” said Pfuhl. “By raising funds, increasing public support and promoting local food shelf donations, the Minnesota retail food industry and consumers truly can make a difference in the fight to end hunger.”