Onion Crunch has kicked off the New Year by announcing that Ralphs is its newest retailer in Southern California. Onion Crunch is an all-natural topping that can sprinkled on to bring out the crispiness of a roasted onion flavor on salads, sandwiches, dips, soups, spreads, baked potatoes, vegetables, steaks, pizza, hotdogs and hamburgers and more.

Ralphs owns and operates 249 stores in Southern California in territories including Los Angeles, Orange, San Bernadino, San Diego, Riverside, Santa Barbara and Fresno. Ralphs is the oldest grocer west of the Mississippi.

Onion Crunch retails for $3.29 a bottle. The product also will be made available in the Southern California market at Costco, Fresh and Easy, Cost Plus and Gelsons.


Kristen was Editor at The Shelby Report.